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44, London

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Married, Average body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Friendship

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Other

Looking for Male between the ages of 18 and 30

Star Sign: Capricorn
Last Active: Needs snapping up!

About Me:

I spend most of my time working, with little else to stimulate me.

But outside of work I enjoy books, theatre, music and eating out.

I would like to see Europe, as it is so near and yet so far! And a weekend maybe a trip to a nice city nearby.... Im not sure, I like to take each person as they come.

But they should be fairly modern and smart, know how to be casual but also look good when they need to.

Attention to hygene would also be nice!...

Ideal Partner:

Id like someone who lives fairly local to me, who isnt rude or arrogant, or who thinks they are gods gift to the world!

I dont know what sort of relationship I am looking for, or if I am even looking for one right now. I guess Ill find out.

I would like them to be kind and considerate, and not too forwards. As mentioned living nearby is a must also....

Other Interests:

Music - Alternative

Gifts Received Recently :

Christmas Stocking

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