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Profile image of L0nely

Married, Cuddly body
5'1''or below (< 155cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Regular Smoker,  Regular Drinker

Occupation:  Healthcare & Medical
Education:  Technical training/Diploma
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Male between the ages of 50 and 60

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Last Active: Needs snapping up!

About Me:

Not really sure what I am doing here but it is here that I now find myself. Most of the time I am a happily married woman. I have 3 grown up girls and YES I am a granny. I love my family more than life itself and surround myself with them as much as possible. I work very hard and very long hours in the care sector. I have a bubbly personality and a naturally flirty nature, a good sense of humour, often finding the funny side to most situations even when it is quite serious (gets me into all kinds of trouble that does). I love to cook and often my table is surrounded by not just my family but my friends as well. I have only a handful of true friends but once you make a friend of me id walk to the end of the earth for you. On the other side though if you hurt me I would cut you off without a second thought. Yes, I do like to eat food as well as cook it but I'm not into fine dining (give me a beer and a burger anyday over a fancy expensive restaurant). I'm not impressed by money, in fact it makes me feel quite nervous. What you have never had you don't miss. I do like to go to the theatre and shows but I don't get to do this often. I'm afraid I am not well travelled and geography was never my strong point in school. I live in the town I was born in and the furthest iv been is Greece. I'm going to finish here by saying I am a thoughtful, honest, kind, generous and genuine person, who has come to a stage in her life where there just appears to be something missing... Could it be you????? I'm not much of a looker (honesty is my best policy here) I'm 5ft, short greying hair which could pass as streaked if it didn't look grey. A big lady with a big heart. I dress mainly in casual clothes as I like to be comfy. Please don't ask for my password to take one look and say 'Sorry you are not for me'. If you are looking for some young beauty then do not ask. Looks are very deciieving. My beauty is in my personality. Thank you for reading this far.

Ideal Partner:

Someone asked me recently if I actually like men. Well the answer to that is YES I do but I am looking for one man to share a very different life with. You see some men can jump into bed with many different women at the drop of an hat, most women however dream of meeting prince charming from about the age of 5. I blame Walt Disney for this making the fairytale films so appealing to the girls. I suppose if im honest I would love my knight in shining armour to be polishing his steel pants as i speak. As opposed to what my prince charming does and sleep in the next bedroom. I have been a good wife and mother, and i could promise the right man that i would a really great lover every now nd again. Certainly not looking to take the Castle away from my prince or indeed make my knight lose his. Looks are not important to me as your head would be in an helmet but you must have the ability to make me laugh.

Other Interests:

Arts / Crafts, Nightclubs / Clubs, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Computers / Internet, Theatre / Ballet, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Box of Belgian Chocolates Bottle of Champagne Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie A Bottle of Wine A Feather

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