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43, Crawford

No profile picture

Living Together, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Trying to Quit,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Male between the ages of 30 and 44

Star Sign: Aquarius
Last Active: Don't just have a look, say hello

About Me:

Hi, I'll start by saying that I don't have what you might call a 'traditional' relationship with my fiance. The short 'profile' version is that we are Kinky and Polyamorous and therefore although we live together I am free to meetup/date/have relationships with whomever else I wish. I enjoy any excuse to dress up and be pampered in a fine restaurant in the city or just relax in a cocktail bar, soak in the atmosphere and really get to know someone.

Being polyamorous I am of the opinion that there is no reason why someone should only expect to be gratified completely by just one person, we are complicated beings and should be able to enjoy exploring ourselves with multiple partners if we feel the need. However this is a difficult position to be in on most dating sites, so I thought I'd try my luck here among men with fewer barriers of 'normal' dating :) Well my hair changes as the mood takes me, as do my clothes, I love corsets and boots (can you sense the "kinky" bit coming through there?) as well as fine dinner dress, but also fitted tops and skin tight jeans for a more casual look.

I'd always like to be a little physically fitter than I am, fitting in a gym around my job and commute is tricky out here in the sticks but I manage to stay in the "healthy" BMI range none the less :)

Messaging me

I'm assuming by messaging me that you aren't too far away. My ideal travelling zone is what I think of as the triangle from edinburgh to Glasgow to Carlisle. It would be great if you either lived in this area, regularly traveled to, or were willing to regularly travel to somewhere in this triangle.

One of the biggest issues I have on here, and all other dating sites, is how to actually start talking to someone. I've found messages to me are either "two liners" or copies straight from their profile. So I thought I'd make it easy on you (don't get too used to it) and give you a couple of questions that I'd like to know to start with - plus it gives us something to build on.

Firstly, what do you know of polyamory? Do you know anything about it? Do you even have an opinion on it? Have you met/do you know any poly people?

Secondly, I'd like you to tell me about something which excites you. A favourite memory, a holiday, your favourite place. Just something that gives me an idea of who are you.

Thirdly, having read my profile, where would we go on a date that we would BOTH enjoy.

Fourth and finally, I love a man that can make me laugh so tell me a story or a joke, as clean or dirty as you like.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Lexy x

Ideal Partner:

I'm looking for someone to relax and unwind with, someone to take me out and get to know, I AM looking for intimacy with the right person, someone to lose myself in completely! I've no problem with keeping any relationship a secret, as long as there is complete openness and honesty within it, then we could be a very good match.

But equally I am looking for someone who is understanding of my sexuality and lifestyle, you don't have to be into the same things or want any part of my other relationships but you MUST be completely accepting that I am not unhappy in my other relationships. I am not trying to replace them, I am looking for an emotional and physical connection with a new lover that lets me explore different parts of myself, one that complements the other men in my life :)

From a physical point of view I'm looking for someone around my height or taller, relatively fit, a healthy sex drive, more than ample equipment and the ability to use it! :p

Other Interests:

Nightclubs / Clubs, Shopping, Computers / Internet, Travel / Sightseeing, Movies / Cinema, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Luxury Underwear Set Red Bikini A Whip A Single Rose Handcuffs A Single Rose

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