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73, derbyshire

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Married, Average body
5'1''or below (< 155cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Retired
Education:  High/Secondary school
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Auburn
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Male between the ages of 60 and 74

Star Sign: Cancer
Last Active: Waiting for Mr Right

About Me:

I am retired and loving it, I am spontaneous, always smiling, always sees the funny side of life. I love walking my dogs, gardening, going for lunch with my friends. My family has all flown the nest now but I am very much into family life, love cooking, going to the theatre. My ideal night out would be a meal in a very intimate restaurant or pub with good conversation. My ideal weekend away would be near the sea, I love walking beside the sea looking for wildlife, love animals. What you would see if you was to meet me, I am 5ft 1 in, long red hair, I have a huge smile, I am not stick thin nor am I fat, somewhere in the middle. I have ample assets which makes my clothes look good. I am very fashionable but not over the top. I love high heels and boots, also fur coats but only fake ones.

Ideal Partner:

I am looking for a smart well educated gentleman who is funny and can laugh at himself. It wouldn't matter to me if you were not a slave to exercise but I do like men who look after themselves. He must be married and not wanting to change that status. Total discretion is assured.

Other Interests:

Gardening, Cycling, Shopping, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Movies / Cinema, Cooking

Gifts Received Recently :

A Feather Bouquet of Flowers Bottle of Champagne A Single Rose Suspenders A Single Rose

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