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Profile image of Daddydom

Married, Average body
6'0'' (183cm) or above
Looking for: Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Regular Drinker

Occupation:  Healthcare & Medical
Education:  Doctoral Degree/Ph.D
Eye Colour:  Green
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 40 and 64

Star Sign: Aries
Last Active: Reel him in

About Me:

The name does give a hint, but best to regard this profile as a menu rather than a fixed agenda! I do take charge but if your image of a man in charge is someone who is shaven haired, pierced, tattooed, uses diesel oil as an aftershave and lives in a dungeon then you are very mistaken: Well spoken, well mannered, talkative, thoughtful and wise. Yes, I will bring my experience to guide your curiosity wherever you want. I am looking for a relationship and it will evolve in the direction that is most interesting for both of us. For those wanting to explore, there is plenty of room for fun, intimacy, comfort and conversation in such a relationship. That is the Daddydom as opposed to the Dom. If it could be interpreted as incongruous to love classical music, enthuse over rococco art, plant trees, converse on most subjects and be generally disdainful of sport, then I am incongruous, although I prefer to see myself as cultured. I have had books published and have written a novel. I have an Oxbridge degree and I have an intense curiosity about everything except sport in general and football in particular.

A full life and a medical career brings wisdom and experience. If you wish to learn, I will teach. But if all you want is fun, then great! I am tall, and can still turn heads, I am casually but smartly dressed - Cadogan's (now closed, much lamented) and Jermyn street- well mannered and considerate. I have grey hair but plenty of it and a charismatic presence. I tend to be honest and expressive so people always know where they stand with me: I am only driven to incandescent rage by those who despoil beauty and thus most examples of modern architecture.

Incidentally, do use a picture other than the common avatars here, and actually write your profile if you want to stand out in the crowd. The former is unimaginative, and using the IE profile writer shows a distinct lack of verbal skills. I want interesting dates too, and if you cannot write a simple profile then it is unlikely you can hold a proper conversation.

Ideal Partner:

We are all on this site as a result of some degree of failure or misfortune in our lives: I am the same, but I will not bore you as to why. So no guilt please, although if you want to tell me eventually, then fine. I am a well practiced listener; I do not have an ego problem so neither should you and I do not need status symbols to prop up an inadequate or vain ego. If you are bored stiff by the illiteracy on this site then I offer the opposite; cultured, intelligent, adventurous, well mannered and able to hold a riveting conversation. If you share these things then we will have a very good time indeed! Should we meet you will not be bored.

For those possibly put off by my username, do not think for a second I am interested in age play, incest play or such like. I would run a mile at any such thing. If you do not know, the Daddydom/Little One is a psychological dynamic of caring and wisdom between a wise mature man and a young or less experienced woman of any age willing to learn what he has to to teach, and a nurturing and protective attitude means you can leave all your responsibilities, indeed the world, behind while you are with me. One learns astonishing amounts from a lover.

I am my age - after all a wannabe Daddydom your age or younger would be a little eccentric! But what I do offer is a chance to explore your limits or something different. If you have a lot to say for yourself or are suitably eccentric or individualistic or creative at any age, I would be very interested to hear from you. Frankly, the barmier the better, but I am not into druggies or those hooked on an alternative life-style. Likewise, while I appreciate fine things I am not materialistic and it is a trait I find very unattractive in others.

Other Interests:

Nature, Museums / Galleries, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Latin, Music - World, Politics, Literature / History, Computers / Internet, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Movies / Cinema

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