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81, Falkirk

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Widowed, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Long Term Relationship

Caucasian/White,  Trying to Quit,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Retired
Education:  High/Secondary school
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Protestant

Looking for Female between the ages of 60 and 70

Star Sign: Aries
Last Active: Needs snapping up!

About Me:

Have worked abroad most of my working life ...so my main aim is to have agood look at the UK ..whether by coach train or bus c...but i do do prefer to drive my own car abit more freedom this way ....have been a widower coming up for 10 years now had a couple of on/off relationships nearly got taken for a ride once though but thats another story...im down to earth tell it like it is ...play pool ..snooker...darts but miss the company of a female ...like to watch football on tv but not all games only certain ones ...ideal evening out is in the company of an interesting lady and talk till they throw us out as they want to go home .....there is a lot to me had an interesting life so girls you will now have to ask Im of a smart appearance...can dress casual or smart and yes ladies I do own a suit also Wellies but they are for the snow Have been told I do not look my age but who knows ....Im slimmish to average in build about 12st ...im afraid theses days i have to wear glasses else ill be walking into things ha ha ...i do have a moustache ...but that can be shaven off for the right lady ...i will always treat a lady with respect am faithful ...careing ..loving ...truthful ....and interesting to talk to if you want to know more please ask

Ideal Partner:

Looking for a lady who is similar to myself but has a better shape than i do ha ha ...no im not that bad dont have a beer gut ...like holding hands do you??????.like going for long or short walks as long as its not up Ben Nevis or Snowdon

Other Interests:

Arts / Crafts, Cars / Motorcycles, Billiards / Pool / Darts

Gifts Received Recently :

Christmas Stocking Silver Cufflinks Platinum Bracelet Platinum Bracelet Strawberries and Cream Bottle of Champagne

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