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45, London

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Living Together, Slim body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Non-Drinker

Occupation:  Accounting
Education:  High/Secondary school
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Black
Religion:  Other

Star Sign: Capricorn
Last Active: She's waiting for you!

About Me:

It is difficult to speak about yourself. From the side the
person to describe more easy, but I shall try. I admit fairly, I\'m whimsical girl, sometimes little bit shitty. =) But I cheerful. At heart I optimist also love life. I try to search in all a positive and to be pleased lifes. And failures and defeats I try to forget more soon. My familiar speak that character at me soft. I not vindictive, also can not take offence at people long. =) As for my hobbies. I love rest on a nature, like in good weather simply to take a walk on city. Like to go to cinema and sometimes to esteem the good book. It is difficult to speak about yourself. From the side the
person to describe more easy, but I shall try. I admit fairly, I\'m whimsical girl, sometimes little bit shitty. =) But I cheerful. At heart I optimist also love life. I try to search in all a positive and to be pleased lifes. And failures and defeats I try to forget more soon. My familiar speak that character at me soft. I not vindictive, also can not take offence at people long. =) As for my hobbies. I love rest on a nature, like in good weather simply to take a walk on city. Like to go to cinema and sometimes to esteem the good book.

Other Interests:

Music - World

Gifts Received Recently :

Strawberry Daiquiri A Single Rose A Pair of Stilettos Christmas Stocking Bouquet of Flowers

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