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53, Peterhead

Profile image of Kunama

Married, Slim body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Friendship

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Non-Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  College
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Blonde
Religion:  Other

Looking for Male between the ages of 30 and 50

Star Sign: Cancer
Last Active: Will put a smile on your face

About Me:

Okay....here comes the hard bit! Writing about me! I'm quite shy except online and can be cheeky. I'm a bit of a tomboy but have my moments of being all girl like too...mind you, I'm just as likely to be all dressed up with a smudge of dirt on my nose! I think I have a good sense of humour and like a laugh. I enjoy reading, music, love animals and I go running a lot! I just love running where I live and quite often end up getting the cows around here all fired up and running along with me....bet that's something you've never heard of....running with cows! I enjoy films...horror, comedy, action - will give most types of film a go. Food? Hmm...I do like italian but have to admit to being a typical woman and loving her chocolate! Okay, you'll have seen I'm a lightweight and don't drink....it's just I've never got past the taste...and probably just as well as am daft enough without it! Love Starbucks for coffee and especially the Christmas ones....gingerbread latte...yum! I've probably blethered a load of nonsense...is there anybody who feels they could have a chat with me?I have long dark blonde hair which usually gets highlights from the sun, I have a few freckles and pale skin with cheeks that blush too quickly for my liking! I'm slim and toned....running has it's benefits! I'm not that tall and have had people say I look like a wee girl! Can't complain about that...drinking plenty of water must be good for the skin then! I have dark bown eyes and probably would say they are my best feature. Clothing? Well I like my jeans....and if I'm not in a pair of jeans I'm in my running tights and top! I do get dressed up occasionally just to show I do have legs!!

Ideal Partner:

I'd love to meet someone caring, funny and good to chat with. Someone who can share things with me and vice versa. I really want to get to know someone and become friends first. My relationship is complicated so I'm not looking to change things but I would like to maybe along the way, meet someone who could make me feel important and loved? That probably sounds really sad but we all just want to be loved and cared about really don't we? Anyway, it would be nice making some friends (probably strange for a site like this but I do get on well with guys (I think haha!) I don't drive so close-ish to me would be great and appearance? Well, we all have lovely things about us...it's just a case of looking for them! My best time for meeting up is through the day.

Other Interests:

Nature, Astrology / New Age, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Hiking / Camping, Gym / Aerobics, Athletics, Computers / Internet, Volunteer / Charity, Movies / Cinema, Yoga / Meditation

Gifts Received Recently :

A Single Rose Bouquet of Flowers Milkshake Valentine Apple Box of Belgian Chocolates A Single Rose

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