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Living Together, Curvaceous body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Education & Science
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Blonde
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Male between the ages of 45 and 55

Star Sign: Gemini
Last Active: Waiting for Mr Right

About Me:

caring and considerate, lover of fluffy animals, bubble baths,and italian food.
Im a professional person who takes my work seriously. i like to work hard (to get the things i want in life) and play even harder. I consider myself well travelled and well educated with a responsible job in local government that demands a lot of my time and concentration, hence the need for a little distraction!!

I try to take care of myself however i can only be descrbed as a gym phobe, someone once said lycra should not be worn by women who are over a size 10! so there you go.........

I am here looking for one individual to share a sexual adventure with me.... im not really into extended texts or emails and am able to quickly assess any future for you and i at a mutually convenient meeting

for those singletons out there who have messaged me, please note i am only interested in those people who need to keep their secret safe...... there are other sites for singles, im sorry im not such a trusting soul x
If you choose to share your p/w with me please do not assume i will share mine. i dont have pics here of me i can share from here, sorry. If its skinny your after, move on... im more curvey, my waist goes in and my boobs and bum go out!!! told i have my curves in the right places.

I think i dress well for my age, i dress smart for work, fitted skirts and high shoes. and like to dress down smart modern for weekends, my hair is blonde shoulder length.
I have my own teeth, nails, lips, eyelashes and boobs.

Ideal Partner:

I'm not looking for a succession of 'friends' however im looking for one special person with whom i can share some quality uncomplicated time with. Im easy going and im not expecting you to give up anything for me, but would want your attention at the times you are with me and i would reciprocate likewise.

I am attracted to independent and confident men who have a modern approach to life and all it has to offer. Age is just a number, its how you present yourself that is important read on for further details....

I would expect you to be considerate, discreet, take care of yourself.

Im looking for the excitement that goes with an illicit 'relationship' and use the term lightly.

I get along with most people and am not shallow with regards looks or personality types, although I dislike rude, arrogant or disrespectful men. I prefere the maturity and experience of older men and find the confidence this gives them,is an attractive feature

I have a home life and family i would never want to disrupt or change and would expect you to feel the same way. Discretion is an absolute must! and will be fully reciprocated.

If i can be honest i would prefere an 'arrangement' as opposed to a relationship...

My time is precious, any time with you, takes me away from my work and my family, so im not into messing around. It might hurt a little, but ill tell you honestly if think were not going anywhere and i would expect the same from you. I enjoy meeting people as opposed to extended emails or chat, I dont have a lot of time to do this so feel it best to get to know if we 'click' prior to any drawn out communication, im not really looking for a pen friend x

Other Interests:

Museums / Galleries, Gardening, Music - Country, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Literature / History, Mountaineering, Dancing, Ice / Snow Sports, Computers / Internet, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Volunteer / Charity, Movies / Cinema, Food and Wine

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