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59, Ballymena

Profile image of SharedBliss

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Self-employed
Education:  Technical training/Diploma
Eye Colour:  Green
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 50 and 69

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Last Active: Hidden Profile - Status unknown

About Me:

Where to start. Well at some stage or another I have been told i'm genuine, well mannered, humerous, spontaneous, easy going and open minded, flirty and sensuous, tactile and passionate romantic. I would say I'm a good listener and conversationalist, much preferring to talk than text. As for honesty, I will be with my partner in crime, but I will be living a lie in the mundane world of normal life. I want to keep things simple. I am not into one night stands. I'm looking for the joy a long term old fashion affair with one person brings.

I'm a self employed territory manager in the automotive industry. Interested in renewable technologies and with a passion for horse racing.

Married to the same woman for over 30 years, I want to feel the clock has been turned back to relive the thrill and excitement a new and stimulating encounter brings. I'm certainly not here to rock any boats. You can be 100% sure of my discretion, as I would expect from you.

I fit into a crowd well being short of 6' with grey hair, no tattoos or facial hair, which is why you must come and find out more about me. I have to wear glasses, but I've got my own teeth and never had to have a filling.

Facinated by programmes like Buy It Now, Double The Money and The Traitors.

Happy to listen to all types of music and really enjoy going to gigs of bands in pubs and small music venues. I guess a bit of Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Billy Joel and Van Morrison and plenty of soul, won't go a miss either.

Ideal Partner:

How should I describe my ideal partner? Well for a start she should come as she is: full of laughter, fun and adventure. Willing to try new things and truely be herself. "So don't go changing, to try and please me. I want you just the way you are."
Contrary to the belief of many if mutual attraction is high on your list I'm happy if you are to exchange picture passwords early in communications. Please just ask.
Now, what is your opening gambit?

Other Interests:

Gardening, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Hiking / Camping, Cycling, Motor Racing, Volunteer / Charity, Movies / Cinema, Cooking

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