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46, Manchester

Profile image of _Lost_Soul_

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Management/HR
Education:  College
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 30 and 54

Star Sign: Scorpio
Last Active: Within 2 Hours

About Me:

I normal average guy of 46 from Manchester, professional career, 5'11, slim to average build, short grey hair, salt n peppery stubble/ beard.

Not looking to change mine or anyone else's relationship status or their everyday life.

Looking for one woman to share a secret relationship and discreet relationship with, where we can give ourselves a few moments of happiness with each other, a break from our normal lives where we can totally relax in each others company.

I am the sort of guy that has a naughty side to his personality but not in a crude, lewd or creepy way. I would like to think that this is more of a cheeky and flirty side of myself. Even though a lot of us are here to scratch the itch that we have, there still need to be an understanding of each others personal situation, and some decorum about how things are done, after all manners cost nothing. I mean none of us would just walk in to a bar and ask someone to get their bits out, before deciding if they were worth having a conversation with!

Please note I am actually looking to meet, I am am happy to chat to anyone on here but please don't just do the password thing and then ghost, at least say hello first, and if you don't like what you see just politely say so, what one person finds attractive somebody else will not!

We are all here for our own reasons, so let's all try and treat each other with some respect like adults

Good luck in finding whatever it is you are looking for on here

Ideal Partner:

Looking for a lady between 30 and 55, preferably from the North West area, and in a relationship of some description so there is an even risk on both sides.

A person who would like to casually message during the day when they have the time, normal and naughty depending on the mood of both people.

Somebody who doesn't take themselves or life too seriously, can laugh at themselves and understands the language of sarcasm (yes the lowest form of wit)

Ideally be able to do day time meets a couple of times a month.

A person who understands what an affair is, fatal attraction types like Glenn Close need not get in touch!

Other Interests:

Cars / Motorcycles, Music - Pop / R&B, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Motor Racing, Computers / Internet, Movies / Cinema

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