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45, London

Profile image of OwlGirl

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Legal
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Light Brown
Religion:  Atheist

Looking for Male between the ages of 45 and 52

Star Sign: Cancer
Last Active: Hidden Profile - Status unknown

About Me:

Hello! I’m a 45, North London based lawyer. I’ve got a big job, a very busy and active life and a lot going on. I’ve been married a fair while and have two daughters. I’ve no interest in upsetting that apple cart but I am up for fun and interesting distractions! I am massively into my exercise, my yoga (run a little business doing that) and being outside. I’m fond of little trips away and taking a complete break from my normal life. I have an extremely high profile job and it can be pretty full on but I make the time for things and people that interest me. I’m interested in the world around me and have an opinion or view on everything, but not in a bad way; I’m just up for the challenging conversations. Absent a photo what do I look like? Lots of tattoos, tall, not fat, not thin. I guess I’m what you’d call a bit edgy, and maybe not what people might expect from someone who does what I do. But I quite like that. Not stunning but not average. I’m interesting, never boring and quite a lot of fun…. X

Ideal Partner:

I am looking for someone who is up for a secret good time. I don’t want anything serious and don’t want or need you to replace anything in my life, rather to complement it. In the past I have very much enjoyed secret meet ups after work (central London), occasional ‘work trips’ in the week and a rare weekend away ‘with friends’. I’ve no interest in disrupting your life. I just need you to be discrete.

You are ideally taller than me (5’10 plus), based in London, very well educated and ready to discuss and challenge me on pretty much any topic you can think of. I’m not after your money. I have plenty of my own. I want your company and your attention and your time. Physically, I love a beard and a tattoo. I like someone with a strong physical presence; you are not diminutive, you are charismatic and magnetic. This isn’t a shopping list, I can find many types of people attractive, but in general terms I do find these kind of attributes most appealing.

Other Interests:

Music - Rock, Hiking / Camping, Politics, Cycling, Gym / Aerobics, Theatre / Ballet, Yoga / Meditation, Food and Wine

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