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45, Leicester

Profile image of Mart78

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: See how it goes

African,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Healthcare & Medical
Education:  Technical training/Diploma
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Black
Religion:  Catholic

Looking for Male between the ages of 45 and 59

Star Sign: Capricorn
Last Active: Hidden Profile - Status unknown

About Me:

Let me tell you what makes me tick: I consider myself to be sensual, intimate and playful.

If we were to meet, you would see that I am brown eyes, kinda average size, average height and black hair.

I love Vikings and The Godfather but Lord of the Rings not so much. My musical tastes include Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson over Shakira.

As for the boring bits, I'm technically trained, I work in healthcare. My relationship status is married and looking for something that goes wherever it leads me.

Ideal Partner:

Ideal Partner is between 45-60,separated or divorced.Average build and Loves affection, wants a friendship as well as a good intimate relationship. We can meet up when and as often as we both feel is appropriate and when both available.

Please just be honest about what your looking for and what your expectations are then we can make the relationship work around those boundaries.

I am happy to send texts before we meet up so we get to know each other and the sexy or hello texts when we are not together .

My Ideal would be to meet up for a coffee and meet and go with the flow and see if we are attracted to each other and we want to move forward if not we go our separate ways with no regrets.

If your married or in a relationship then we both must have total discretion as I am not going to break anyone's relationship at all.

This should be pure fun, friendship , intelligent conversation and lots of fun and laughter with great sex along the way.

Other Interests:

Movies / Cinema, Cooking

Gifts Received Recently :

The Kama Sutra Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie A Feather A Feather A Single Rose Bouquet of Flowers

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