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Scarlett Clementine


Profile image of Scarlett Clementine

Married, Curvaceous body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Romance & Fun, Casual

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Healthcare & Medical
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Male between the ages of 45 and 60

Star Sign: Virgo
Last Active: Within 3 Days

About Me:

I’m 5’6, long brown hair, dark brown eyes,with gold flecks, porcelain skin tones,curvaceous,and on another diet.

I’ve been described by men as looking like a cross between,Scarlett O’Hara,Kate Bush,Nigella Lawson & one of the Women from Robert Palmers “ Addicted To Love Video” or Shania Twain”Man I feel like a woman” video ..☺️

I enjoy films, music….cooking a lot ..from scratch,I bake,make fresh pasta,bread,butter,cheese,jams

I love nature,it makes me feel alive and grounded.I organically garden and grow fruit & veg for cooking.This is the Home-maker side of me

I love reading crime thrillers,especially snuggled up when it’s raining outside.Spend a fortune on scented candles 🕯️.I love cosy & relaxing ambience 🔥
I love music,Abba,Fleetwood Mac, 80’s and 90’s MTV makes me happy..

I am self-confident,motivated,very driven these days intelligent and authentic.I know exactly what I want in my life now and am actively manifesting & creating it myself.

I’ve raised my standards & expectations massively & will not accept laziness or mediocre in any relationships anymore…I’m a bit feisty.. well a lot,really !! 😂

Mid-life crisis has now hit & yes,I’m buying myself a sports car with my plate KB68 KAT 😘..Got the plate,need the Car 😂.💝

I want to travel more and have this opportunity,as an entrepreneur side hustle ..Bali and New York in 2024 is on my list.I’m contemplating doing this alone ..Bit of spiritual time out & soul searching.

I’m university educated Chartered CIPD level.I’m now currently studying in spare time for my government regulated Degree in Aesthetic Medicine, which will take another 2 years.

I’ve been studying part timefor the last 2 + years.I’m a qualified Advanced Aesthetic Practitioner & Beauty Therapist.

I recently won a National Award “Beauty Therapist of the Year”UK,which made me really proud of my sacrifices & achievements.Getting up on the stage,and walking the red carpet in front of 300 people was amazing.

In a previous life I was a HR Consultant/Manager for 20 years in before switching careers..and reported to Sir Bill Connor in setting up his HR Dept.

I’m big in to personal & self development.I did the Tony Robbins “Unleash The Power Within”program,2 years ago. This had a profound on me
& became a catalyst for life changes.

I’m really creative,love the whole 1950’s Vintage Pin-Up vibe & ..I sew some of my own 1950’s style clothes.Make crystal jewelry and have a small vintage custom clothing line.

As well as a couple of business side hustles in wellness & travel to keep me busy !! ..Fill the void I think.

I have 2 Teen Boys..who never stop eating 😂

I’m married and have been together for 28 years.The physical side of our relationship is non-existent now.A hernia issue that DH refuses to get medical treatment for,for years now..His excuses are tiring,boring and I’ve stopped asking for or instigating sex..It’s demeaning, humiliating & upsetting..I’m worth more & deserve more I now feel..

It makes me feel very sad and unloved,but I’m coming to terms that things/he won’t change & I need more from a relationship.

Joining IE was an utter spur of the moment decision and I feel a little conflicted & guilty tbh.

Turning 55 recently,also feels like a turning point and I’m questioning,what if,what if ?

That’s me
Scarlett Clementine

Ideal Partner:

Well educated,smart,self-motived.Strives for success,well travelled.Authentic,kind & loving.

Knows how to treat a Woman like a Lady ..

Other Interests:

Nature, Arts / Crafts, Astrology / New Age, Museums / Galleries, Gardening, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Literature / History, Shopping, Dancing, Travel / Sightseeing, Movies / Cinema, Yoga / Meditation, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Autumn Bouquet A Single Rose Bottle of Champagne Handcuffs Handcuffs A Feather

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