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56, Wiltshire

Profile image of Slimp750

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Long Term Relationship, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Management/HR
Education:  College
Eye Colour:  Grey
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Female between the ages of 40 and 99

Star Sign: Libra
Last Active: Within 4 Days

About Me:

Introductions are in order… Am I well-educated? Well, I'm college educated, as for my day job: management/HR and I would describe my relationship status as married and looking for something casual.

I'm confident in saying that I'm quick witted, friendly and compassionate.

I keep fit and like running, wild swimming and hiking. I average 8 min miles so think that’s ok at my age, I haven’t resigned to being a pot bellied 40- 50’s guy.
I would be looking for some one to connect with not after a string of contacts.
I’m in a stable marriage and that’s not changing but we definitely have a sex drive deficit and I miss the intimacy.

If we were to meet, you would see that I am average height, kinda average size, grey hair and grey eyes.

I don’t want this to be a talking shop so I can sort weekend mornings and holiday mornings, some whole weekends and some evenings but I have to have my reasons in order.

Ideal Partner:

Similar situation same kind of person who wants to live a bit! I’d prefer someone who wants to keep fit and live actively. I totally respect and also want the single affair and friendship type of relationship. Good sense of humor, patience, after all we’re presumably both married! So we know that other life might clash.

Other Interests:

Nature, Cars / Motorcycles, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Hiking / Camping, Ice / Snow Sports, Travel / Sightseeing, Food and Wine, Music - Hip Hop

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