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56, Reading

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Married, Average body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Self-employed
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Grey
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Male between the ages of 40 and 59

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Last Active: She's waiting for you!

About Me:

Well, here goes...

I'm just a normal girl, not Debbie Harry circa 1978 (I have long, brown hair anyway), a gym bunny or Angelina Jolie’s better-looking sister. Not a stick insect, but not cuddly either. Somewhere in the middle. Average. Just me.

I'd like to meet someone on here who’d be my friend first and foremost, before we consider any further endeavours. I'd like to meet someone who can make me laugh, who can accept me for who I am without trying to change me, and who's discreet. 100% discretion guaranteed from my side - I have absolutely no desire to change anyone's entire life, least of all my own!

I'd prefer to meet someone articulate, fun and sensible, no preference on looks - what goes on inside your head is much more interesting, and intelligence is far more valuable to me than a handsome face and perfectly toned physique. (Although if you’re fortunate enough to be in possession of such attributes, come and say hello anyway - I won’t judge!) And nice - nice is crucial. Or conscientious, if you prefer. And honest. Had a better offer? Just be upfront and say so. I'll think more of you for it.

Expensive dinners and presents have their place I’m sure, but they’re certainly not required or demanded. I tend to dress casually, it’s fine if you do too. I like smart gentlemen too and can scrub up nicely myself when I try. This is the point where I ought to insert a platitude about always knowing how to dress for the occasion, but we’re all grown-ups here and I hope you’d realise this without me having to point it out.

I'm a "whole package" kind of girl and a quick bunk-up in a hotel just doesn't do it for me. Sorry. There needs to be a meeting of minds before anything else could happen, and that’s why I’m not into one-nighters or quickies in the bushes. So please don’t ask, as a smack in the chops often offends.

Ideal Partner:

What I'm looking for is a one-woman man, ideally. (Yeah, I know - but you know what I mean.) I don’t do sleeping around or notches on bedposts. Been here before and know the rules.

No exaggerations, untruths or prevarication in this profile. What you see is what you get. If you like what I have to say, come and say hello. I don't bite, and I always try to be nice! Though as far as I’m concerned ghosting is a bit of a coward’s way out. If I think it’s not going to work after a bit of chatting, I’ll tell you - and I’d hope you’d do the same for me.

I just want to meet one special person to - well, communicate with initially. Someone who’ll be happy to just stay in touch even when we can’t see each other because of work or family or whatever. Chatting online, on the phone, meeting up eventually, then whatever happens after that. No drama, no ties, just two people who are into each other but know when it’s time to let go and move on. If things work out, we could potentially be friends for years. But we wouldn’t have to be. I can just as easily vanish from your life at your request. Or on payment of large sums of money to my Swiss bank account, I’m not fussy. 😎

We need to get along as friends. Shared interests aren't a must, but we must have something in common otherwise this just won't work. I love intelligence, wit, sharp retorts. Words are important to me, and if we can have excellent conversations about all kinds of topics without necessarily agreeing but always maintaining mutual respect, then let’s chat. My inbox is always open to nice gentlemen who know how hold a conversation!

Other Interests:

Nature, Cars / Motorcycles, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Politics, Literature / History, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Motor Racing, Computers / Internet, Travel / Sightseeing, Movies / Cinema

Gifts Received Recently :

A Single Rose A Pair of Stilettos A Single Rose Diamond and Emerald Bracelet Bottle of Perfume Tulips

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