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54, York

Profile image of JustBen70

Married, Athletic body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Non-Drinker

Occupation:  Education & Science
Education:  Doctoral Degree/Ph.D
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Light Brown
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 21 and 99

Star Sign: Aries
Last Active: Within 24 Hours

About Me:

If the first 20 words are the most important then shit I have just used up mine and said nowt. However, I am intelligent, intimate, empathetic, imaginative and clearly enjoy alliteration.

This profile can be seen as a quest and if you get to the 3 star bit *** then you have the key to an exciting adventure. If you choose to swipe to the left - then you have saved me from precious emotional investment and your time.

Challenge 1 - I am 5 foot 3. Fit - actually very fit but a short arse all the same. I am not your dream bloke. You dreamed of Channing Tatum, Orlando Bloom that’s not me.

Challenge 2 - I am 53, so i am a mature short arse. I am a Martin Freeman, a Declan Donnelly with a anthletic body.

Challenge 3 - We have to fit, and that means you will be size 16 or less.

Challenge 4 - Energy, you will need an ache in your sexual soul that needs feeding every moment of every day


Well if your not laughing till you burst or spitting at the screen and still reading then thank you. I do not have the time, energy or risk management skills to undertake this journey more than once.

I anticipate that my life outside us is mine and you never impact on that life and your life is yours and I never impact on yours.

But this requires paradoxical trust – and that takes time. I am not in a hurry, but i have no intensions of wasting your or my time.

During our journey we will have made each other laugh, we will have teased, we have shared phone calls, messages, emails; during that time we may arrange to meet – share a coffee, a walk in the park, hold hands – and then when the corner is turned, we would enjoy undressing each other, exploring and sharing this secret.

To see my photos however you will have to make the effort to engage, and when it feels right I will oblige. But i guess that will be via external email, not on this site.

I have light brown hair with silver bits , blue-ish eyes, sporting an slim fit body.

We will see if my direct honesty is the best policy.

Ideal Partner:

Ideal does not exist.

Just like you want TDH - I want a sapiosexual empath.
You will be petite - we will fit like spoons.
You will enjoy your own body - more toys than pets.
You will enjoy firmness but not expected to be carried up the stairs.
You will enjoy sharing your body - coy but not shy.
You will keep fit for fun and thrive on competition. I love to compete.
You will be any age, any ethnicity, hair, eyes, occupation, religion, hobby, style, accent… don’t care. But you do have to love to talk ( as I love to listen)
BTW. My 2nd home is London - really do enjoy been just another anonymous visitor I have a MUD RASUL couple spa day fantasy, you can keep your panties on if you prefer, but the rest of you???

Other Interests:


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