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75, midlands

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Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Casual

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Retired
Education:  College
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Other
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Female between the ages of 65 and 80

Star Sign: Virgo
Last Active: Needs snapping up!

About Me:

Hi,well this is my 2nd attempt to write this,i had nearly finished it when someone disrupted me and I lost it all,so here goes again .
I am a 68 yr old male,married but for the past 15 years we have done our own thing re hols ,social life etc ,and that's the way it shall be the rest of out lives I guess.
Ok well you know I'm 68,i have most of my hair ,well prob 60% of it and most of my teeth.
I could prob do with losing a few lbs but hey ho it doesn't bother me.
I have don't have any kind of criminal record other than the odd speeding fine,in other words im a law abiding bloke,and have never done drugs.
I can travel to meet you if im that lucky to attract someone,fingers crossed.
Will never ask you to lend/loan me money,and if we get to go out then the date is on me ok.
I think im worth getting to know,as im a kind, polite, clean kind of bloke,but prob not every girls cup of tea,i can only try.

Ideal Partner:

The woman I would like to meet would, ,not be a party animal who wants to booze all night and get home when the sun comes up.
Body size and looks isn't as important as the person,and not bothered about hair colour or length,as im sure what style you have suits you.

Not bothered where you live as I can travel upto a point,
So that's about it,ok lots more I could put down but I think with what I have written is a true account of myself,like most on here its a bit difficult to describe ones self without it turning into a life long history book,but ask any questions you like and I shall reply truthfully.....bye x

Other Interests:

Travel / Sightseeing

Gifts Received Recently :

A Beach Ball A Feather Wrist Watch The Kama Sutra Platinum Bracelet Bottle of Wine

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