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70, Northumberland

Profile image of PiersGaveston

Married, Average body
6'0'' (183cm) or above
Looking for: See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Self-employed
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Female between the ages of 55 and 74

Star Sign: Capricorn
Last Active: Don't just have a look, say hello

About Me:

I'm well educated, well read and self-employed, which, whilst it means my time is my customers' rather than my own, does mean I have a degree of control over where I can be and when.I'm tall, carrying a few extra pounds but physically fit. Balding with grey hair, cut short.
As to whether I'm attractive or otherwise is for you to decide. Beauty is, after all, in the eye of the beholder.

Ideal Partner:

I am looking to meet an attached lady who, without wishing to end it, currently finds herself unfulfilled in her current relationship, as I am in mine; and for us to then to decide how to take it forward as we get to know each other.
I am well educated, enjoy conversation and would look for the same in any women with whom I had an affair but I am not looking for any particular physical 'type'. I'm as attracted to brunettes as blondes, grey hair just as much as white (given our respective ages, let's be realistic) but I tend to prefer taller women with curves.

Other Interests:

Nature, Music - Classical / Opera, Politics, Literature / History

Gifts Received Recently :

Handcuffs Handcuffs Box of Belgian Chocolates Posing Pouch Pint of Lager Handcuffs

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