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It's in the kiss...

Good kissing, they say, is like drinking salted water...it makes you thirsty for more.
What is your favourite technique, to give and recieve? What makes your brain melt and forget your own address (and that you once had knees). What is your most memorable I.E kiss, and what has you running for the door?!

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Comments (172)

TCOO12 - 26 Oct, 2023 - 06:13PM

Softness, firmness, tongues teasing and probing, closeness of bodies, mouths engaged, lips teasing lips, minds connected building the arousal. Some very enjoyable and exciting kisses over the years. Everybody is individual and kissing is a first step of the adventure. The long, fabulous kisses open the door.....

DefinitelyMightBe - 24 Oct, 2023 - 12:20PM

Aye, nothing like salty water in your mouth eh?

LadyDe - 24 Oct, 2023 - 12:15PM

Mmmm now kissing, I like to think I’m good at it … I’m more sensual, more kiss tease, eat, devour etc … all tongue no lips and too wet is a no go for me …. I’m old Skool surely a good kiss means good 😈 a bad kiss means bad ?!? …. For me it’s very important, we all love the seduce of a promise the kiss gives, my IE is perfect to pucker up with 😉

FlirtaciousandMore - 24 Oct, 2023 - 11:02AM

Kissing is so powerful erotically. The other person not knowing what to expect next, your kiss in sync with how you are touching, caressing or just rubbing against her. Switching between light touching lips and lips which are having a slow dance together. I could kiss a sexy lady all day and night, all over her body

1447655 - 22 Sep, 2023 - 10:42PM

I've kissed someone where I loved kissing them, loved the way they kissed...but I still wouldn't have slept with them?! Anyone else? It isn't always an indicator or of what you think...

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Inneed ofloving79 - 22 Sep, 2023 - 09:19PM

Kissing is definitely an essential part of the sexual chemistry for me. It's one of the main things I miss.

JayJames70 - 21 Sep, 2023 - 09:03PM

Kissing is great and it’s nice to kiss and be kissed.
For me it’s an essential part of foreplay and then moving from mouth to mouth onto different parts of the body can be just amazing when you are hitting the right spot.

MakeMeMelt84 - 19 Sep, 2023 - 07:23PM

I love a good kissing session (although I don’t get them anymore). Especially when the chemistry is electric and somehow you just instinctively know what to do with each other.
It’s definitely on my list of must haves. X

Pink Eiga - 18 Sep, 2023 - 06:44PM

Superb kissing does not mean someone is/will be a matched IE partner, but one’s matched IE partner will naturally come with superb kissing 😊

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1623921 - 18 Sep, 2023 - 02:40PM

I agree that kissing is an art form and vastly underrated these days. I love nothing more than a very long kissing session. It’s so erotic and emotionally satisfying.

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