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Double Dippers

You meet someone here, start dating them, build the connection, but then see them still active on here... Yet they reassure you that they are absolutely into you, that everything is perfect, that you are the woman of their dreams. If you aren't sure they will be the one, create a backup of a backup, pause and think... How fair is that?I have ghosts upon ghosts returning, wondering why I abruptly ended dating. I value myself and know what I have to offer, and that is an exclusive and absolutely fantastic affair. I refuse to settle for double dippers.

Any one else agree?

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Comments (240)

ExoticOrchid - 28 Jul, 2022 - 03:58PM

Wow there's a war on ... never!!! Where ... when did that happen??? 😲

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Paula99 - 28 Jul, 2022 - 02:23PM

Caroline Red...

How can you say 'we' go off the topic when you haven't made an effort to join the debate?

Are you just here to chair the meeting ?

It does say in your profile you like women ..I don't think you do 🙄

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Caroline Red - 28 Jul, 2022 - 10:54AM

I always enjoy seeing how quickly we go off topic on here and basically start slagging each other off as soon as we get bored with the topic. peace and love everyone, there's a war on.

Enigma.. - 28 Jul, 2022 - 08:00AM

@Secretfriend1978. 21st July. 12.38 pm

Re your first line. You are wrong. You can tell 😃😉

EmnEm123 - 24 Jul, 2022 - 10:25PM

Intoxicate Your Mind

Your last comment leads me to believe, once again, that you're not actually a woman.

However, if you are, I am not judging anyone, I am here.

But there is no getting away from the FACT, that cheating is cheating and it's not the best "trait" in anyone.

If you can't or won't understand that, I would be very wary of you. You sound like someone who would go out of their way to disrupt, harm, upset someone else's life, for what ends I'm not sure.

Perhaps you have been cheated on and were hurt by it?

Don't go out of your way to damage others because of it.

That's a real nasty "trait".

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Paula99 - 24 Jul, 2022 - 11:50AM


There are some no nonsense straight talking intelligent women in here but ....also there are some who have short memories.

1526446 - 24 Jul, 2022 - 08:20AM

Well this topic is turning something a bit controversial

Delicious Chaos - 23 Jul, 2022 - 10:03AM

Just mixing it up a little, chill out seriously.

You ladies obviously need a good shag to let out all that frustration.

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EmnEm123 - 22 Jul, 2022 - 08:56PM

Intoxicate Your Mind

I think you mean 'self righteous?'

Well, if you had half a brain you would.

Paula99 - 22 Jul, 2022 - 08:40PM

IYM....so now it's EE123 that's getting the wrath...

You don't appreciate that she has an opinion like others...

You shouldn't get so cranky..🤔

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