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73, Kirkcaldy

No profile picture

Married, Cuddly body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Romance & Fun, Casual

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Sales & Marketing
Education:  High/Secondary school
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Catholic

Looking for Female between the ages of 50 and 99

Star Sign: Libra
Last Active: He's waiting for you!

About Me:

As discretion is the ultimate requirement,my perfect lady would be someone ,like myself,who is otherwise in a good relationship with their current partner. The reason there is no photograph is obvious, and I would expect a lady in the same position as myself not to have a photograph available
There are many reasons why one of the partners in a relationship may completely lose their sex drive.However if you are ,like me,one of those people who still need the excitement and need of a physical relationship,then you will know the frustrations and needs I am talking about.
If there is a woman out there who is genuinely in the same position as me then I would find it strange if she did not make contact and would therefore be doubtful regarding their profile.
Apparently I am cosidered to be someone with an engaging personality who dresses well and does not look like an "old man" and am considered to be still a reasonably handsome man by others.( I think i'll start going to the same opticians as them!)Good grooming and cleanliness is important to me and therefore always keep myself smart.
If there is someone out there who genuinely fits the bill then please let me know.
If I do happen to arrange to 'meet' for a chat,I guarantee I will have you laughing before we part.(even if you don't fancy me!)

Ideal Partner:

My ideal partner would ideally be in the same position as I am. Generally in a good relationship with their partner but being starved of intimate pleasure due to circumstances outwith their control.
Please only contact if you are in the same situation I am.
If there is someone who is out there who genuinely has the same needs ,then please contact as I do not think you would be disappointed.

Other Interests:

Music - Pop / R&B

Gifts Received Recently :

Picnic Hamper Handcuffs Bottle of Cologne Picnic Hamper Glass of Cognac Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie

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