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63, Bristol

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Separated, Athletic body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Accounting
Education:  College
Eye Colour:  Hazel
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Female between the ages of 21 and 45

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Last Active: Needs snapping up!

About Me:

Is this the place where I disclose all my hopes, dreams and disappointments, all the events that have shaped the person that I have become and therefore you find out what makes me tick, really? That simple, I don't think so. Is that not for you to discover with some forensic delving , disguised as innocent questions? Wouldn't you prefer to find out what lies beneath the surface rather than all that froth on top? We all have secrets, don't we, what's your dark side ? :-) We're all just passing through this life for a relative nano-second , why not make the most of it?

So, a few basics facts/traits/delusions about myself Not too tall, not too small, not too fat and not too thin will about sum me up. Circa 5' 9" , reasonably well put together and well maintained.(Although sadly I've lost my service history)Everything still works to order, and almost as important nothing working when it shouldn't. Strong arms, both metaphorically and literally, pepper-pot hair, twinkly eyes and a casual, but smart approach to both life and fashion. I enjoy harmless banter said with a smile not a sneer, and nearly always find the funny side to most personal disasters , of which there have been many

Ideal Partner:

I'm ideally looking for someone with a sense of fun, who doesn't take themselves too seriously, (because I won't) but at the same time can be a serious thinker on occasion. Someone who's is warm, tactile, sensuous and someone who is not afraid to open themselves up. Someone who would be as happy to fall into my arms as much as they are into my bed. All this,with a pulse and a body to die for your body, ( that's yours, not mine) would be the icing on the cake. A sense of humor is a pre-requisite

However, those who are: criminally insane, manic depressives, clinically obese, those who watch "Take me Out" (It should be renamed take me out and shoot me), and those who believe that the phrase " I have two other assets" is alluring, need not apply. (Honesty is always the best policy, isn't it?).

I don't envisage that I'll be quoting Wordsworth to you as we hold hands across the dining table under soft lights, me gazing into your eyes, whilst with the other hand drinking Chateauneuf de Pape and being waited upon by Gordon at the Ritz ( was he ever there?) .But you never know..

PS: Caveat .If anybody is offended, please don't be-, life is far too short it's just my sense of humor

Other Interests:

Music - Pop / R&B, Politics, Gym / Aerobics, Ice / Snow Sports, Theatre / Ballet

Gifts Received Recently :

Silk Tie Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie Silk Tie Bottle of Cologne Bottle of Wine Posing Pouch

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