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55, Solihull

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Living Together, Slim body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Long Term Relationship

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Accounting
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Blonde
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Male between the ages of 40 and 49

Star Sign: Gemini
Last Active: Will put a smile on your face

About Me:

I work in a office having brought up the children to the point where they can fend for themselves although I do get the chance to get out in the day. I love food so eating out but it needs to be something more interesting than a carvery or a curry. I love discovering places and travel and did so a lot when I was younger. I also love being pampered and so a health spa and some R&R is therapy for my soul. I'm 5'6 and size 10 but don't forget to add the heels so gentlemen you need to be 6 foot plus. I have blond hair which is collar length, a fairly tidy figure and good tone and skin. I dress reasonably fashionably, anything from casual to that little black dress or wellies to louboutin, and underwear that always matches! I am equally comfortable when all I'm wearing is an intoxicating perfume.

Ideal Partner:

I want to spend time with someone to develop a connection. I am married with children and do not wish to change that so I will take this journey when each step feels right but don't read into that anything about boring or some long drawn out ritual before you get to fumble to undo some buttons.

I'm most attracted to white men (just my preference), tall and healthy. Someone I can converse with is also good, I don't want to be stuck for conversation. Professional typically but someone with good social skills, solvent but only because I'd prefer to go halves on a fantastic hotel than a travel lodge and not worry if your car is going to break down.

I'd like the odd regular text and not someone who only gets in touch when they're "in the area" or "at a lose end" but also respects privacy. I'm making this sound all a bit clinical where all I'm trying to say is someone respectful but who also knows how to have fun when the opportunity arises/ Are you out there!?

Other Interests:

Museums / Galleries, Music - Rock, Gym / Aerobics, Dancing, Cooking, Food and Wine

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