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49, London

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Married, Average body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  -
Education:  College
Eye Colour:  Green
Hair Colour:  Light Brown
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Male between the ages of 25 and 45

Star Sign: Pisces
Last Active: Waiting for Mr Right

About Me:

I am, like most of the rest of us on this site, looking for some romance and spark to light up my life. I am married, would very much like to stay that way, but my relationship with my husband is not what it used to be. The spice and hot nights are long gone, and that is something I want back. I am of a average build, with curves where there should be some on a woman! Light brown hair, which shimmers in golden thanks to my very expensive highlights. Green eyes which I am often complimented on.

I have a nice smile, and I am often told I have a cute face.

Ideal Partner:

I am looking for an adventurous man, who know how to treat a woman right, in and out of the bedroom.

Someone who isn't interested in a full blown relationship, but who will be there to take me out, wine and dine me, and listen to, and be happy to fullfill my ever need.

Other Interests:

Arts / Crafts, Museums / Galleries, Music - Dance / Electronic, Shopping, Yoga / Meditation, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Christmas Stocking

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