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65, Argyll & Bute

Profile image of FussyFella

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Executive
Education:  Doctoral Degree/Ph.D
Eye Colour:  Hazel
Hair Colour:  Light Brown
Religion:  Atheist

Looking for Female between the ages of 50 and 99

Star Sign: Aries
Last Active: Don't just have a look, say hello

About Me:

I am an intelligent and successful man. It may sound arrogant but it is true. I have an open manner, get on well with most people and above all else I enjoy people.

Conversation with me will be challenging but in a good way. It may be serious or funny, platonic or sexy, deep or shallow but always fun.

I have big appetites for everything. I enjoy the best food and wine as much as I enjoy connoisseur love making.

My ideal evening is always with a beautiful woman who is as sexy as my mind.

I am married (not a surprise on this site I do hope) so be aware of what that means.I am medium height and average build. Always well dressed and dress for the occasion. My hair is all still there and nearly all the colour I was born with. I have been described as "like" a lot of people but of course I am just me.

If you like men in suits with a certain "air" about them then I am for you.

Ideal Partner:

This is where the fussy bit comes in. So many of the women on here seem to have a list a mile long of their wants and likes, I thought I would strike one for the men and put mine too.

Firstly, you must be bright of manner and intelligent of mind. Non negotiable. Higher Education is not essential (although it is preferred) but being able to write proper English is.

Looks are not as important as mind but not unimportant. I like ladies who make the most of themselves - less about your body, much more about how you exploit what you have. Good hair, make-up and clothes for the right occasion are important. Do you look good in a cocktail dress? What about jeans and a t-shirt or a swimming costume? My ideal woman will know she can look good in any of these things.

Hair colour: I like blondes, I like brunettes, and I like redheads. Mousey is not really good but since ladies can choose their hair colour that can be fixed can't it? If you do dye you hair though, make sure you maintain it properly and the roots do not show. Some of my friends think me odd, but I am also quite attracted to women with wild hair colours: reds, purples, greens or mixes on the right person seem to shout a sexy independent personality.

Body shape is a lower priority still and I am attracted to ladies of all shapes and sizes. I like curves if you have them but let's be honest clinically obese is going too far. Similarly a toned body can be nice but bony and anorexic is not.

Height does not really matter at all to me but if forced my preference is for petite ladies up to about 5'4".

Skin colour, race or cultural background are totally unimportant. If you are someone with prejudices in that area walk on by - one of the fastest ways to turn me off is spouting any form of bigotry.

I understand most people here do not want to put a real picture up on the front page, but I do find the effort of selecting an image that says something about you says a lot. If you do not have a picture yet, why not choose something? I am sure you will get a good reaction.

So is that fussy enough and is there anyone up to the challenge of saying hello? Actually if you got this far, I hope you realised this is mostly a joke, not much matters beyond attitude and sense of humour and desire to have some fun.

Other Interests:

Nature, Museums / Galleries, Cars / Motorcycles, Billiards / Pool / Darts, Hiking / Camping, Politics, Literature / History, Motor Racing, Dancing, Sailing / Boating, Ice / Snow Sports, Computers / Internet, Water Sports, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie Box of Belgian Chocolates Tumbler of Whiskey Bottle of Champagne Box of Belgian Chocolates Posing Pouch

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