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43, Rossendale

Profile image of AllYourWishes

Married, Athletic body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Short Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Regular Drinker

Occupation:  Construction
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Grey
Hair Colour:  Light Brown
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 30 and 44

Star Sign: Aquarius
Last Active: Within 24 Hours

About Me:

Your tick list :
All my own teeth
Enjoy getting out and doing things
Love going to gigs
Like getting out and walking the hills then stopping at a pub for a pint or lunch
I don't gym but I do walk a lot, run and mountain bike
I have a good job that allows me to "travel for work"
I'm educated, well travelled and have a story for every occasion
If I stand still long enough I can make friends anywhere
You won't be bored but I can have quite a dry sense of humour...
Genuine and reliable... If we arrange to meet I will be there and it will be the same person in the pictures!!
I am not here to be any child's sugar daddy
Respectful of you, and will treat you like a lady and an equal (unless you've been naughty...)

I smile a lot, am happy in my own skin and have a good positivity...

Come chat you know you want to

Ideal Partner:

Here goes the Mary Poppins list


Redheads - absobloodylutely. I love a red head but they don't come along that often and you can't let that spoil a good relationship.
If your a ginger you can ignore the no's and contact me anyway 🤗 😘
Must be able to actually meet - it's much more fun in person.
That's North west as a minimum, I'm looking for an affair not a holiday to London to meet for coffee!! 😂
"Just popping out to meet friends, back in 2 days!!" Just No!! 😂

It's easier to do list of no's...

Ugly - you know who you are
Obese - just no - I want to get my arms around you and chuck you around the bedroom 😜 overweight is ok I just don't want snacks falling out from hidden places...
Really tall - over 5'8" if your taller that me in heels it won't work
Negativity - nobody wants that which is possibly why your here.
Let's be positive and have great experiences.

Message me...

Other Interests:

Music - Alternative, Music - Rock, Ice / Snow Sports, Travel / Sightseeing, Food and Wine

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