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48, Plymouth

Profile image of LovingF33ling

Living Together, Athletic body
6'0'' (183cm) or above
Looking for: See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Other
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 35 and 64

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Last Active: Within 24 Hours

About Me:

OK, I'm going with the honest approach.. I'm blue-eyed tall, 6'2, bald with well groomed medium length beard. I am always smartly dressed befitting my professional lifestyle and smelling good. My situation is probably a lot like yours, in need of some excitement, some spark, but not wanting to upset the applecart. I like to make people laugh and love to have fun. I am in good shape for my age, enjoy exercise and eat healthily. I have other attributes that definitely won't disappoint but you can find those out as we go along..

Ideal Partner:

Again, let's be honest here.. if you are bored, feeling neglected or are just seeking that excited feeling of being alive again.. then I want to hear from you. If you are looking to leave your partner or are already single, divorced or separated then I'm probably not for you.

If you want to feel those butterflies everytime you get a message, or that feeling of waiting nervously to be whisked away for a naughty night away, then let's get together and see where it goes..

Other Interests:

Nature, Music - Dance / Electronic, Cycling, Gym / Aerobics, Travel / Sightseeing, Volunteer / Charity, Movies / Cinema, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Pint of Lager Tumbler of Whiskey Bottle of Wine Silk Tie Concert Tickets Handcuffs

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