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54, South West

Profile image of Wishfulthinking23

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Healthcare & Medical
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Red
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Male between the ages of 45 and 65

Star Sign: Aries
Last Active: Hidden Profile - Status unknown

About Me:

Attractive, (so I'm told) active and just a bit to much all work and no play at the moment.

Happy in a long marriage that for many reasons is strong, committed but celibate due to an ongoing health challenge faced by my very lovely husband.

For some time now this has left me free to pursue the idea of a lover and playmate but I have only explored this once or twice before the last time being 10 or so years ago.
I would describe myself as flirty, warm, quick to laugh, quick to tease and with a bit of an irreverent streak.

I am an outdoor kinda girl that also loves the vibrancy of a beautiful city, a foody, a reader and a new convert to a good yoga session!
I would describe myself as both engaged and engaging and I adore kissing 😊

Ideal Partner:

You will be warm, friendly, intelligent, generous spirited and quick to laugh.
If you are South West of Bristol we may stand a chance of meeting up but further than that would prove difficult in terms of travel time.
I really am not looking for a once a month s..g and would prefer a lovely affair with a friend and partner in crime, a man with whom I can spend time with both dressed and undressed as for me the former leads to the latter.

Long lunches, a walk somewhere, dinner, or a cone of chips on the beach are all ways to build trust, connection and friendship and great sex starts with all of those.

You will also need to be comfortable with the idea of my not having to sneak around in the undergrowth to have an affair.
I would never disclose any information about you and absolutely would never be asked for any.
I just don't need to lie at home which means I have lots of autonomy.

I have had a lovely affair before and definitely know the rules so
I only want the bit of you that you are able to share and would never wish to encroach on your normal family life.😊

You will find me open, honest and friendly if we get to talk in the real world and I definitely have a sanguine approach to this.

Other Interests:

Nature, Tennis / Racket Sports, Yoga / Meditation

Gifts Received Recently :

A Pair of Stilettos Red Lingerie Leopard Print Underwear A Bottle of Wine Concert Tickets Fireworks

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