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53, Windsor

Profile image of ClassyindianLady

Married, Curvaceous body
5'1''or below (< 155cm)
Looking for: Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Indian,  Light / Social smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Advert/Media/Entertain
Education:  College
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Hindu

Looking for Male between the ages of 50 and 60

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Last Active: Message her before she's gone!

About Me:

This past year and a half has brought home to me, life is too short. Am I happy, content, joyful or simply existing day to day. I am a kind person, with an open heart and no malice. What this past year has taught me, that although I have commitments and responsibilities in my day to day life, I deserve happiness too. Only those in a similar predicament will ever understand this sentiment. We come to a site like this, some for just the NSA physical intimacy, some for an ego boost, some to experiment and hoping to find someone with the same desires.

What am I looking for? Someone who isn't afraid of their vulnerabilities, someone who isn't scared of emotional intimacy, someone who wants to experience something deep and soul fulfilling, someone who isn't afraid of sharing their insecurities. I want someone who understands the limitations of what our everyday lives poses. I am not looking to rock the boat, upset anyone's home-life.

I want to feel that desire and excitement and have butterflies again. We may not be able to leave our responsibilities for whatever reasons, but it doesn't mean we can't find someone on the same page, who would love nothing more than a close, intense, fun and content old fashioned affair. One, when you are together, you forget everything else, you enjoy the time you have and know it will sustain you when you go back to your real life.

No one should be hurt by this, I'm looking for something respectful and fun.

I will , no doubt, get many responses telling me I am on the wrong site, that what I am looking for is not what this site is all about.

This site is about having an affair, a relationship out side of your marriage/partnership. As many men on here fail to comprehend, an affair isn't only about the physical. yes, sex is important, but I like to think there are men on here who are looking for something similar, who understand, having an emotional connection can make having a physical relationship so much better.

You will be kind, intelligent, a balance of cerebral and emotional.

I want to meet someone who is a man's man, an alpha personality, I am strong minded and find a "true" alpha personality attractive.

I have specified an age range for a very good reason. I do not look my age and I would like to meet someone whom I find attractive, I am not naive enough to believe this doesn't matter, there has to be physical chemistry.

I would like to meet someone similar to my age, who would make as much effort as I would in having an affair. Someone with whom I could spend the occasional night and perhaps weekends away. I work hard and would like to meet someone who would like to make some fun memories for the years ahead.

Ideal Partner:

Nothing entered

Other Interests:

Astrology / New Age, Dancing, Computers / Internet, Travel / Sightseeing, Movies / Cinema, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

The Kama Sutra Bouquet of Flowers Diamond Earrings A Feather Strawberry Daiquiri A Single Rose

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