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Foiled again

55, Southampton

Profile image of Foiled again

Married, Athletic body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Non-Drinker

Occupation:  Education & Science
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 40 and 54

Star Sign: Aries
Last Active: Within 2 Hours

About Me:

Well… after more than 2 years, I am back to see if I can negotiate the minefield of IE once more. I am fit, funny (that’s ha ha funny, not weird… ) and not unattractive to at least a few select women on the planet. My pronouns are he and him and whilst I sometimes identify as various objects I am probably most comfortable as a heterosexual male….having recently semi-retired I have time for all sorts of mischief. Body wise I am 5’10”( and a half) very well groomed and very happily enjoying the view of my feet… happy to dress up and down to suit most occasions! Well educated, well travelled, well equipped with impeccable manners and a lifetime of experience …if you are still reading then it would be great to hear from you.

Ideal Partner:

You are bright and funny and take care of your appearance… it goes without saying that you are extremely discreet. Most importantly… you have time for fun which would probably fall into the vanilla plus category. You hopefully would not spook the horses or frighten babies kittens and puppies. I don’t really have an age range… but I am hoping your body is up to doing whatever your mind might be considering….

Other Interests:

Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Cycling, Cricket, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Golf, Athletics, Sailing / Boating, Tennis / Racket Sports, Water Sports, Volunteer / Charity, Food and Wine

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