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56, Edinburgh

Profile image of Mathew235

Married, Slim body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Advert/Media/Entertain
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Catholic

Looking for Female between the ages of 36 and 55

Star Sign: Scorpio
Last Active: Ask him for his best chat-up line

About Me:

Astonishingly interesting and remarkably witty chap who, er, can't think what to put in here...

Voracious reader; fiction, history, memoirs/autobiographies, thrillers and all sorts really. Like astronomy, running, hillwalking, paragliding and snowboarding... also a dab hand at idling with intent... yet paradoxically terrified at how life passes unremarkably by when you let it... (oh I'm just a fascinating mix of paradoxes...)

Bizarrely perhaps (unbelievably even, for some...) a happy family man, with good career but long lost the workaholic fanaticism that posessed me when younger (kinda think youth are stupid...) I'm probably just another lost, restless malcontent who is never quite sure what he is even looking for in life, in love, in bed, in the kitchen drawer I appear to have opened, etc...

Please only get in touch if you are also happily married... Sorry, no divorced, single, separated and people looking to leave their marriage. I'd prefer someone with as much to lose as me... In a similar vein can't help being wary of women with 'trustworthy' in their profile - on this site?... I think that ship sailed... faltered on the rock of self-delusion and sank into the murky waters of atrocious lying... Curiously though, I've found that if you embark upon an affair it is one space in which you can dare to be very honest...

Well-travelled, attentive, experienced blah blah, and all the other stuff a psychopath would also say anyway... Approaching this with an open mind and keen to NOT meet loose cannons... Kinky very much a positive for me... intelligence an absolute necessity; if you follow the Kardashians on social media I think we'd run out of conversation before the first sip of our lattes... But if you like Swann's Way, or even just know what it is, please please do get in touch...

Ideal Partner:

Nothing entered

Other Interests:

Music - Blues/Jazz

Gifts Received Recently :

A Beach Ball A Beach Ball A Whip Bottle of Champagne Silver Cufflinks Bottle of Wine

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