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58, Wrexham

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Married, Curvaceous body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Casual

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  College
Eye Colour:  Hazel
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Other

Looking for Male between the ages of 35 and 65

Star Sign: Libra
Last Active: Message her before she's gone!

About Me:

I'm a larger lady with a large apetite for pleasure ! My favourite passtime is definately laughing !

Im not looking to replace my husband, but I am looking for a bit of fun - we don't currently have a sexual relationship - at all !!
I am human, and I have needs !! Discretion is key !

I can text chat very well, and do enjoy the fantasy side of that, but i am ultimately looking for someone to meet up with for our mutual enjoyment, in an "anything goes" kind of arrangement !

If this is you, and you're up for a laugh, message me - don't worry too much about the details of my ideal guy - thats just a guide anyway !! Personality, and the ability to talk using words of more than one sylable is definately more important !!

Ideal Partner:

My ideal partner must have a good sense of humour and appreciate the fuller figure.
He must not be pushy - I'm new to this ! But at the same time, I am not looking for romantic love - lets be honest here, who is?

I know this is going to sound petty, but Im 5ft 8" and if we are going to meet, I would like you to stand higher than my boobs please ! So, you need to be taller than me, and not very overweight - one fatty in this relationship is enough !!

I don't care what colour or religion you are - as long as you don't expect me to change who I am !!

This is meant to be fun !! Dont sweat the small stuff !!

Other Interests:


Gifts Received Recently :

Red Lingerie A Whip Bottle of Champagne Black Lingerie Bouquet of Flowers

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