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76, Inverness

No profile picture

Divorced, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Art/Design Related
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 60 and 80

Star Sign: Gemini
Last Active: Don't just have a look, say hello

About Me:

The key question for all of us in 2020 - is - HOW EXACTLY DO WE ATTRACT SOMEONE INTO OUR LIFE ON THIS SITE - IN 2020

I am confident, articulate; fun-loving and passionate with the right person. Following the example of one lady on this site in 2018 - 'I am looking for an intelligent and adult attitude to intimacy which will be life-enhancing and not disruptive..

Naturally I am happy to send a photo to anyone who is genuinely interested.

I would like regular (but need not be demandingly oppressive) meet ups with someone with whom I can talk on intellectual and emotional personal levels. If we like each other we could go to films and theatre and classical music and Indian meals and picnics and walks in the wood and art galleries and museums and all sorts of striking places that we can find in the Highlands and beyond - perhaps the odd weekend……or even a holiday…. to some extraordinarily interesting and arousing place that we would both enjoy. I like to really get to know someone before we would dream of having the mildest cuddle..(but I have to confess that I do enjoy really good hugs).

I like musing current affairs; even the Brexit dilemmas; and the usual gamut of non-trashy media topics; especially over a lingering intimate meal.

I like to travel to at least one 'interesting; country every year - this year possibly Senegal - it would be nice to meet someone whose budget allows this. A comfortable, exciting travel companion is a great boon in life.

How pleasant it is to share secrets and confidences and doubts and fears and fantasies without threats or fear in a liaison with an emotional connection rather than in a relationship that is half dead and without a physical expression of an emotional connection. Some say that the mind is the really sexy organ.

I love receiving and giving long lingering massages.

I am physically fit; have all my own hair; have never smoked and the old brain-box is ticking along nicely. I have a busy work life; with travelling; but with sufficient flexibility to fit in with your preferences.......and time and room in my life for a special person.

Fancy a chat to explore possibilities ?

Ideal Partner:

I am astounded by the number of possible wonderful Illicit encounter ladies on this site in 2018 with a truly amazing range of interests and passions. The tragedy is ..that most live outwith the Highlands of Scotland (or indeed Scotland). I am seeking just one delightful lady - so that we can both enhance the pleasures of our lives. I am not at all interested in one-night stands. I take it as read that you would not do drugs; nor drink to excess nor attempt to hide smoking (its impossible to hide this in 2020 even though some people are foolish enough to try.)

I have no preference for body type (as long as you can walk reasonably) and I would be happy to meet you as you wear the styles you judge most suitable for the events and trysts to which we will be going-to. Absolute discretion assured and guaranteed.

It would be great to meet a warm-hearted; lively; woman who is content in her skin regardless of her circumstances; and who is realistic about the possibilities open to us. I don’t exclude possible long-term developments but they are NOT at all on my radar screen at the moment.

I am not at all attracted by Highland women (seems be a specialty of theirs) who like being sarcastic; or claim to have a wicked sense of humour (London ladies say on their profiles that they cannot understand why anyone would put this kind of thing on their profiles).

If you are even faintly attracted by this item don't hesitate to ask for more information - I would be more than happy to explore possibilities. When you ask some questions – often the other person seems to blossom and expand – its fascinating (but unfortunately appear to be in London – (that’s where we all ought to live – if are on this site). And it is fun chatting to people – and can be humbling to learn about the lives of others.

If I don’t hear from anyone I message – all the very Best in Your Hunt

Other Interests:

Music - Classical / Opera

Gifts Received Recently :

Silver Cufflinks Wrist Watch Wrist Watch Pint of Lager Bottle of Champagne Concert Tickets

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