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73, Newbury

Profile image of happyfella

Married, Slim body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Retired
Education:  High/Secondary school
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Light Brown
Religion:  Atheist

Looking for Female between the ages of 55 and 99

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Last Active: Needs snapping up!

About Me:

Most women and most surveys say, what turns a woman on most and what they look for in a man is someone thats makes them laugh, and has a great sense of humour.. well I can promise you that, from the people I have known they all say 'God you make me laugh'..call it a gift but just a naturally funny bloke in mannerism and stories I tell ...even make myself laugh!!..am well travelled so plenty of stories to tell, will never get tongue tired!!...(and that includes conversation!!..lo.....can hold a conversation on any subject and a good listner too. Has lots of interests far to many to bore you on here!!.. have nice clean firm body (no beer belly)and do not smoke either,and told I always smell nice, in fact would have to say very fit for age, so true the saying age is just a number you are as young as you feel ..well I always feel young!!..looking for someone who maybe has a partner who acts older than they are and has no interest in anything apart from the soaps on tv!!!,,(help!!)...and the only action the bed gets is when the sheets are changed!!.......would like to meet a mature female who thinks like I do there must be more to life than this ..you are a long time dead enjoy what time you have left. Not looking to rock any boats and appreaciate most people on this site are married but looking for that spark and blood rush you get when with someone you feel comfortable with....would like to chat to and get know someone first, then if we click meet and if it goes really well share some nice pleasures together away from it all ..age and looks are not that important its the person inside that counts.., would be the perfect gentleman on a first meet...No picture on site for obvious reasons but can send one via email if compatable,or give password to view up to date pics on site. Have a nice body and and told look I younger than age ..have nice warm eyes and a nice smile too.always clean and smell nice, don't smoke no tattos .dress to please but usually causual but can be very smart too when needed...

Ideal Partner:

mature females who can hold a conversation..has a nice sense of humour and fun to be with and believes like I do you are a long time dead enjoy life and what it has to offer now.Then worry about it later!!!..before you get to old to enjoy anything..get to know one and other first then if we click hopefully spend some nice precious moments together and get those long lost blood rushing feelings back again....thought for the day....life is short break the rules and never regret anything that puts a smile on your face

Other Interests:

Nature, Arts / Crafts, Museums / Galleries, Music - Country, Music - Rock, Hiking / Camping, Mountaineering, Computers / Internet, Travel / Sightseeing, Volunteer / Charity, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Concert Tickets A Beach Ball Box of Belgian Chocolates Concert Tickets Pint of Lager Platinum Bracelet

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