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Are married people or single people happier? Personally, I think married people are happier. Yes, I know I'm married and on IE - but I STILL think I'm happier then an unattached person might be. Aren't we here to live a little but keep things sweet at home...thoughts?

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Comments (135)

1117169 - 22 Mar, 2021 - 01:07PM

Is being unhappy when you are married worse than being unhappy when you are single?


Princess0121 - 22 Mar, 2021 - 12:19PM

It' depends on so many things. Some find happiness in having a partner living with them be it married or not. Happiness however is the state of mind. You can't be happy all the time and it's more learning to be tolerant in the relationship. If everyone was so happy IE would not exist. Also when you have both worked to build your family and fortune then you can't just start afresh so an affair keeps both sides happy or maybe one of them. You have to find your happiness and don't expect your partner to do it for you. I don't believe married people are happier at all. If that was the case we would not need so many shrinks.

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1386735 - 22 Mar, 2021 - 10:04AM

Hmm tbh I would prefer to be unmarried but kids and finances keep me where I am.
I love the thought of living on my own, and having a guy as and when on my terms

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1421067 - 22 Mar, 2021 - 09:35AM

I would agree that people stay in marriages for financial security and stability especially when children are involved. Happiness can be very temporary but less of a factor.

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Bereweeke - 22 Mar, 2021 - 09:30AM

Hello - I think it depends on your definition of "happy" and on the statistics you have accumulated. RELATE research finds people are most likely to stay in a long-term relationship for financial reasons even when they have found happiness with another person.

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