Date Issues : 31/12/09

2010 : The Year of the affair

New Year's Resolution list looking a little dull? No problem. IllicitEncounters.com suggests that you resolve to "have an affair" in 2010; after all, everyone else will be!

IllicitEncounters.com, the UK's largest extra-marital dating site, have predicted that 2010 will be their busiest year yet, and expect to receive over 14,000 new members in January alone. To mark the beginning of the bumper year, the site has released a list of '5 Reasons to Have an Affair in 2010'. The list was compiled from the suggestions of over 4,000 site members, all of whom are involved in extra-marital relationships. The most common suggestions are ranked higher in the list.

Ranking Reason
1st "My partner and I are just best friends."
2nd "The spark is missing from my current relationship."
3rd "My partner cannot fulfil my sexual needs."
4th "I have been working on our relationship, but there is still something missing."
5th "I want to put my relationship in perspective."

Spokesperson for the site Sara Hartley comments, "2010 is going to be the year for infidelity. Sites like ours are no longer provoking the outrage they used to, and couples are taking to more experimental approaches to saving their marriages."

Sara explains that recent statements of experts like Maryse Vaillant will play an important part in the public's perception of infidelity. In her book 'Men, Love, Fidelity', renowned French psychologist Vaillant insists that "the pact of fidelity is not natural but cultural", and believes that affairs can have a positive effect on a marriage.

IllicitEncounters.com has in excess of 400,000 members across the UK.